Sports Premium

In October 2019 it was announced that the Sports Premium would be awarded to schools on the following criteria:

  • Schools with 17 or more pupils to receive £16,000 plus £10 per pupil
  • Schools with 16 or fewer pupils to receive £1,000 per pupil

Sports Premium was first introduced in 2013 and has been a huge success. The Government are now keener than ever for the next generation to reap the rewards of physical education.

The Youth Sports Trust and Association for Physical Education have drawn up 5 key factors outlining the focus on how to use your schools funding.

5 Key Indicators


The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.

The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.

Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.

Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.

Increased participation in competitive sport.

Here at The Elms we are confident that with our services to primary schools, we can help ensure children cover the key indicators.

School Sports Premium has never been so brilliantly funded by the Government, so why not let us help you achieve the very best for your School’s pupils.

Extra-Curriculum Programme

12 weeks Breakfast / After School Clubs

Gifted & Talented 01

A programme designed to ensure those excelling in physical education can continue to grow and further enhance their skills. Programmes can be sport specific or a multi sport format.

Core Curriculum Sports 02

As well as the above new sports, we do of course deliver the following:

  • Athletics
  • Cricket
  • Dodgeball
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Multi sports
  • Rugby
  • Tennis

Active Children 03

A bespoke or sports specific programme can be devised to allow less active and confident children to enjoy sport. The idea is to ensure children are regularly participating in sport and are actively looking, with the help of The Elms, for exit routes and opportunities to continue to play outside of school.

Girls Only 04

Most girls perform better and are more actively engaged when there are no boys involved. Having ‘Girls Only’ clubs are proven to enhance development and boost interest – leading to an increase in girls continuing to play.

Cost for all above clubs

£600 plus VAT for a 1 hour x 12 week programme, either before or after school.

KS2 – 20:1 / KS1 – 16:1

Equipment for all clubs will be supplied by The Elms.

Inter House Competitions

This is a programme designed to increase healthy competition within the school. Bespoke programmes can be devised in most sports, based on resources at the School.

Our Head of Operations will be able to design competitions after visiting your school. These events can be held weekly, either during school hours or after school. One day competitions can also be devised.


As programmes are bespoke to suit the individual needs of schools, costs can vary considerably


Do members of staff require ‘up-skilling’ in Physical Education? The Elms can offer the following ways to further enhance a teacher’s skills:

1) On a termly basis, staff can be trained in specific sports in 3 week blocks, using the ‘Team, Teach and Practice’ formula.


£225 per day plus VAT

2) New Sports – if you would like your staff to be competent in delivering new and exciting sports to pupils, a 12 week programme can be designed which will give staff the necessary training and knowledge to continue delivering sessions/lessons. Training in new sports include non-contact boxing, golf and flag football. This course would take place during lesson time with classes.


£225 per day plus VAT £2,700 plus VAT per 12 week term

Claire Oliver, Deputy Headteacher

William Tyndale Primary School, Islington

“Just to say a huge thank you to The Elms Coaches for helping at our Summer Fair on Saturday. They worked tirelessly and we had great feedback from parents and other members of the community on how well they organised, included and enthused the very many children of all ages and abilities. With much appreciation! “

Camp Discount Codes

All February Camps

(including Stanmore)

10% Early Bird Discount


Expires 7th Feb

All Easter Camps

(including Stanmore)

10% Early Bird Discount


Expires 28th March

All Camps

20% Sibling Discount applied to all children if attending the same day


No Expiry